How many Usul-e-Deen are in Shia Islam? “foundation of faith”
According to Shia Ithna Ashari (Fiqa Jafria) Jurisprudence (Fiqh), there are a total of 5 principles (Pillars) (Usool) of religion in Islam, on which Belief is obligatory for every Shia Muslim. Without them, no one can call himself a Muslim. These are as follows:
- Tawheed or Tawhid: (i.e., not accepting anyone as your god except Allah, not associating anyone with Allah) Allah is one. Allah has no partner; having complete faith in this is called Tawheed.
- Adl – Justice: (i.e., not being dishonest in any matter, even the slightest. Acting with justice in every matter). The act of believing in this is called Justice (Adl).
- Nabowat, Nubuwwah or Prophethood: (i.e., believing in all the prophets from Hazrat Adam A.S to Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, and believing in Hazrat Muhammad PBUH as the last prophet, that no prophet will come after him) Belief in this principle of religion is called Prophethood.
- Imamat: (i.e., Belief in the 12 Imams from Hazrat Ali A.S to the last Hazrat Imam Mahdi A.S) The act of believing in Imamate is called Imamate in Islam.
- Qayamat: – The Day of Judgment (i.e., the day when a person’s good and bad deeds will be accounted for. And the decision of Paradise and Hell will be made.) Every Muslim must believe in this.
Today, our topic is the principles of religion (Usool-e-Deen) in Islam. We hope you liked it and that you have also learned the Principles of Religion (Usul-e-Deen).
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